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Dental Implants In Lawrenceville, GA

$122/mo* Single Dental Implant

Dental implants are a top, state-of-the-art solution for tooth repair and restoration. Replace a lost or damaged tooth with a single dental implant for as low as $122/month – implant, abutment and crown included!

At Dental Images of Gwinnett, we offer effective implant solutions for patients who may be suffering from broken or missing teeth. Our skilled dental team offers years of clinical experience providing beautiful, long-lasting dental implants that will reinvigorate your smile from an aesthetic, functional, and health perspective. We offer a broad range of tooth implant options and pretreatments to produce lasting results and restorations that look and feel natural.

We offer long-lasting, reliable replacement teeth for top dental implant services in Lawrenceville, GA and beyond! Our implant systems are backed by advanced in-house technology, which excels at keeping you safe, relaxed, and satisfied with your experience. Each dental restoration is customized to fit your unique oral structure and deliver results that will leave you with a strong, renewed smile.

What Are Dental Implants?

inside the dental exam room of Dental Images of GwinnettDental implants are a permanent solution for restoring missing or damaged teeth from root to crown. Our dentists will surgically place the implant post into your jawbone, which is made from body-safe materials like titanium. Next, we attach the abutment to the post, where your custom-made artificial tooth replacements will be processed in a lab and positioned atop the abutment by our focused dentists.

Our practice is equipped with advanced technology like CBCT scanners and computer-guided surgical capabilities to boost the accuracy of the surgery from a diagnostic and execution viewpoint. We leverage our high-tech tools and years of experience performing dental implant services to provide reliable procedures without ever skimping on the quality of results.

Are Dental Implants Right for Me?

The benefits of dental implants go beyond aesthetic appeal by also improving basic day-to-day functions like biting, chewing, and talking. Implants from Dental Images of Gwinnett are an effective solution that is commonly used to fix bite-related issues and possible oral health complications caused by missing, damaged, or impacted teeth. Implants could be right for you, if you're looking for a permanent solution to any of the following:

  • Missing or broken teeth
  • A dental infection
  • A gap in the smile left by a dental extraction
  • Jawbone recession
  • Difficulty chewing or biting down due to missing teeth
  • Looking for more durable replacement teeth compared to dentures

Dental implant systems at Dental Images of Gwinnett include:

All-On-4® Implants

Our restorative dental team offers the All-on-4 dental implant technique that utilizes four posts to completely rehabilitate an entire arch of missing teeth. Most All-on-4 dental implant procedures can restore an entire arch of teeth almost immediately after surgery for a permanent and comprehensive solution.

Your Dental Implant Consultation and Preparation

Our skilled dentists will evaluate your oral condition to confirm whether you're a good candidate for the dental implant process. We will carefully check your oral health to determine if you require preliminary treatments before the surgery. Our preliminary services for dental implants include:

  • Dental extractions, if a weak or damaged tooth must be removed to make space for a dental implant restoration
  • Bone grafting, if the jawbone is too thin or weak to successfully support an implant
  • Sinus lift surgery, if we find there isn't enough room in your upper jaw to properly transplant sufficient bone to support a dental implant

Reliable, Lasting Smiles with Dental Implants In Lawrenceville

the back office and dental lab inside of Dental Images of GwinnettAt Dental Images of Gwinnett, we offer reliable dental implant services that will work to restore your smile from a functional and aesthetic standpoint, guided by our comprehensive approach to oral wellness. Our skilled dentists and trusted staff utilize advanced technology and years of experience to provide a broad range of tooth implant options and efficient pretreatments to help ensure you're enjoying your natural-looking restorations after years of repeated use.

Let our practice provide reliable dental implants in Lawrenceville that will work to transform your smile from an aesthetic, functional, and health perspective. Contact us today to schedule a consultation!

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